A dataset containing UK generation by fuel type between 1 July 2019 and 3 July 2019 at half-hourly intervals.
A data frame with 8655 rows and 6 variables:
data item
Settlement Date of the observation
Settlement Period of the observation
Spot Time of the observation; this is essentially an amalgamation of settlement_date and settlement_period
Generation from Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (MW)
Generation from oil (MW)
Generation from coal(MW)
Generation from nuclear (MW)
Generation from wind (MW)
Generation from pumped storage (MW)
Generation from hydro (non-pump storage; MW)
Generation from Open Cycle Gas Turbines (MW)
Generation from other, not-listed sources (MW)
Generation from the French interconnector (MW)
Generation from the Northern Irish interconnector (MW)
Generation from the Dutch interconnector (MW)
Generation from the Irish interconnector (MW)
Generation from biomass (MW)
Generation from Belgian interconnector (MW)